Breast Lift

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed to raise and reshape breasts that have sagged as a result of aging, pregnancy, weight loss, gravity or other factors. By trimming excess skin and tightening supporting tissue, patients can achieve an uplifted, youthful breast contour. After surgery, the breasts are higher on the chest and firmer to the touch. The nipple and areola can also be repositioned or resized during this procedure to further enhance the appearance of the breast.

Since a breast lift does not change the shape or fullness of the breasts, many patients choose to combine this procedure with a breast augmentation or reduction in order to achieve their desired results.

The results of a breast lift are visible immediately after surgery and will continue to improve as swelling subsides and scars fade. Most patients who maintain realistic expectations and thoroughly discussed their goals prior to surgery are satisfied with the look of their lifted breasts. While results are not permanent, they will allow patients to enjoy a younger-looking appearance for many years to come.

Those interested in Breast Lift should find a plastic surgeon they can trust. From the initial consultation through post-surgical recovery, Dr. Lalla emphasizes an honest doctor-patient relationship that allows his patients to remain well informed of their surgical options.

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To learn more about the benefits of a Breast Lift and schedule a consultation please contact us today : (609)584-8898

Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)

The overdevelopment of male breasts, also known as gynecomastia, affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. This condition may be caused by a hormonal imbalance, side effects from drugs, or may occur for no particular reason at all. But despite the cause, the condition is significant and may pose a serious problem in a man's life.

Men with large breasts can be both physically and emotionally uncomfortable, often restricting themselves from certain activities because they feel self-conscious about their breast size. Male breast reduction is an excellent way to decrease the size of a man's breast, helping him feel more comfortable and confident.

Male breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. This procedure may be performed using liposuction, surgery or a combination of the two, depending on the amount and type of tissue found in the breasts. If the breasts consist of mostly fatty tissue, liposuction may be used to suction out fat from an incision in the nipple or underarm areas. For breasts with an excessive amount of glandular tissue, an incision may be made around the edge of the areola (the area around the nipple) thro which the glandular tissue is excised.

Following male breast reduction surgery, patients will experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort. This discomfort usually dissipates after a few days and can be reduced with prescribed medication. To help reduce swelling, an elastic pressure garment should be worn for about two weeks, and at night for several weeks later.

Those interested in Male Breast Reduction should find a plastic surgeon they can trust. From the initial consultation through post-surgical recovery, Dr. Lalla emphasizes an honest doctor-patient relationship that allows his patients to remain well informed of their surgical options.

To learn more about the benefits of a Male Breast Reduction and schedule a consultation please contact us today : (609)584-8898